Friday, January 18, 2013


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about online safety, ID theft, and cyberbullying. It is important to follow online safety rules so that ID theft and cyberbullying doesn't happen to you. ID theft and cyberbullying are both against the law. ID theft is when someone gets your social security number, credit card number, or other private information and acts as if they were you. Cyberbullying is when someone harasses someone else over the internet. Tips to stop ID theft are shredding all important papers, and don't give out your information to unsecured websites. Tips to stop cyberbullying are: don't retaliate, report it, and block them. You can follow all of these tips by using online safety, also known as netiquette. Some netiquette rules are: follow the same standard of behavior online as you do in real life,know where you are in cyberspace, respect other people’s time and bandwidth, make yourself look good online, share your knowledge, help keep flame wars under control, respect other people’s privacy, don’t abuse your power, and be forgiving of other people’s mistakes. 

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